The main problem in Sabzi Mandi is related to bad debts. If your accounts are not properly maintained and you have no watch over your daily customer, chances of bad debts are high. Digit24 Sabji Track ERP Software shows you which customer has not arrived for how many days. You can attach customer’s photographs with his account details etc.
Supplier’s Rate and Weight adjustment managed effortlessly and simply. The commission agents have to make adjustments in rate and weight of goods. Sometimes you have to quote higher price to supplier and sometimes you have to quote lower price. Suppose goods are sold for Rs. 1000/-, you may report it 1100/- or report it 900/- to your supplier depending upon your business policy. The same kind of adjustments can be made in weight. Customer’s reports will be maintained as per actual Sale Price and supplier’s reports are maintained as per our desired price. That affect your profit and loss accounts.
- Aadhat & Trading
- Stock Maintain
- Mahajani Interest
- GST Return
- Crates Management
- Item, Bill & Party wise Expence
- Multiple Weight Entry
- Supplier/Customer Bills
- Rate/Wt. Adjustment
- Complete Stock Management
- Financial Accounting
- Crates Management
- Self Purchase/Party Stock
- Very Easy to use
- No need to learn Accounts
- No need to learn Computers
- Daily Reminders & Scheduler
- User Rights
- Attractive Interface
- User Friendly environment
- Billing
- Security
- Business Reminders