In every Hotel, Room reservation is the primary step for visitor entry. Hotel invites Reservations by phone, through agent, By Email, Website or direct customer reservation.
At the time of booking, manually checking which room is vacant or which rooms are occupied on a particular date is a very complicated and time consuming process.
Using Our Software there is no need to remember or maintain any diaries of room booking. Our Software shows only vacant rooms list very intelligently at the time of reservation.
Magical Stock Management
Maintain Stock of selected items Like Mineral Water Bottels, Raw Materials (Ingrediants), Milk, Cold Drinks, Whiskey, Dry Fruits, Food Items etc. While creating Item Master, check if you want to maintain stock of that particular item.
KOT (Kitchen Order Token) Management made Easy
Fast Items entry with using code or name. Check Visitor’s Table No. and Enter KOT. In case visitor had made an order already, then enter next KOT. View, Reprint, modify all the running KOT’s.
Track KOT’s generated by Particular User. Filter By Table No., KOT No. Room No., Item Name, Code, Waiter Name, Service Type Like Table Service, Room Service, Packing Service.
- Reservation
- Walk-in
- Room Service
- KOT Management
- Table Service
- Automatic Bill
- Stock
- Production
- Dash Board
- Room Management
- Financial Accounts
- Easy Banking